Contract Cleaning Sector Minimum Wages 2018
From the 1st of January 2018, the minimum wages for workers in the Contract Cleaning Sector will be increased, this increase is only valid until the 30th of November 2018, likely in order to allow the Minimum Wage Act to replace the wage table. Additionally it must be noted that Area B will receive two increases, one on the 1st of January and the second on the 28th of February 2018 in order to comply with collective agreements applicable to that region.
Given the current proliferation of trade unions within the Contract Cleaning Sector it is also likely that individual business may be required, by virtue of collective agreements of their clients being extended, to pay higher minimum wages than those listed in the Sectoral Determination 1.
Area A includes the following municipalities: City of Cape Town, Greater East Rand Metro, City of Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela as well as Emfuleni, Merafong, Mogale City, Metsimaholo, Randfontein, Stellenbosch and Westonaria.
Hourly Rate from the 1st of January 2018: R 20.74
Area B covers all areas in Kwazulu-Natal.
Hourly Rate from the 1st of January 2018: R 19.36
Hourly Rate from the 1st of March 2018: R 20.00
Area C covers all areas in the RSA not in Area A or B.
Hourly Rate from the 1st of January 2018: R 18.90
I’m working as a cleaner but my rate is still 18.90 whichh I don’t understand and we’re are on contract my salary is 2300 if I work on satarday and Sunday is not double
Hi, unfortunately I cannot provide advice in this regard, however if your remuneration is not in line with the minimum requirements for your industry you have the right to engage with the Department of Labour. http://www.labour.gov.za/DOL/contacts
Cleaning Service rate in Northern Cape , Upington
Hi Berenice, as per the Area C rate, R 18.90 per hour
Please advise on the minimum wage for cleaning supervisors
Hi Lilly, the Sectorial Determination does not specify different rates, meaning that it is the same as for any other worker in the Contract Cleaning Sector. Note that this only applies if your employment is covered by the Sectorial Determination.
I am busy with my planning for 2019.
I am asking what I the new wage rate I going to be , Current wage rate is R20.74/hr
Hi Barry, given the expectation of the implementation of the Minimum Wage Bill, it is currently expected as per this Article to have the effect of superseding Sectoral Determinations. For that reason, there is currently no formal framework to project such increases, however I would expect a CPI + 1.5% increase as sufficient for planning.
Please advice on the minimum wage for cleaners at Ingwavuma. KZN North.
Is it R18.90 or R20.74?
Hi Nkosie, as per the post, Area B, which covers all of KZN has a hourly rate of R 20.00 per hour from 1 March 2018.
New rates
Hi Tholakele, the rates published are as per the Sectoral Determination, there will only be new rates from 2019.
Please advice on the minimum wage for cleaners Ecowise cleaning cape town
Is it R18.90 or R20.74?
Hi, as per the schedule, Area A covers City of Cape Town meaning the area rate of for Area A, R 20.74 per hour, applies.
Morning thank you is there any government gazette when it was officially signed off thank you in advanced.
Hi, sure, see herewith the link: http://www.hrcity.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/domesticwages_2017.pdf
Good evening Eben
I know this discussion is outdated however I have a question which not many people can answer, hope you can shed some light. Does the contract cleaning wage tables apply to the iron making industry or should you comply to the MEIBC wage tables for unskilled resources?
Kind Regards
Hi Rudi, Contract Cleaning applies only to the provision of cleaning services and not the provision of tools or materials used in the sector, for example cleaning chemicals fall under the chemicals industry and, effectively the manufacture of irons would fall in the manufacturing sector, which could place you in the MEIBC’s scope which can be found in Clause 1 of the MEIBC Main Agreement.
Hi, I am in a company that is looking at contracting Cleaning Service Providers in its residential facilities. Whilst I am understanding the minimum wage for cleaners, is there a guide or a threshold for the overheards (running costs) to be claimed by Cleaning Service Providers?
Hi, unfortunately your question relates to business practices and does not fall within the scope of our services. Overheads fluctuate, however a good rule of thumb for a services company is that your labour bill should not exceed 30% of your turnover.
Hi there, I am a worker in Gauteng, am I entitled to an annual bonus?
Hi Martin
The question is not a simple one to answer as it depends on various factors, such as your contract of employment, the sector in which you are employed, the company’s policies and in certain circumstances even more factors may determine whether there exists an entitlement. You would be best served to seek legal advice from your trade union or your HR.
Kindly provide me with the signed agreement for the National cleaning association for Dec 2018 – 2019 increases- area rates please.
Hi there,
Is a bonus compulsory for cleaners? If yes, where can I find this information?
Hi Olwethu, while there is no prescribed annual bonus for domestic workers, the Sectoral Determination for Contract Cleaners does require an annual bonus, this depends on the specific circumstances of the employer relationship and the nature of the employees actual work.
Hi how much will it be the increase wage in 2019… Cleaning… And how do you calculate time and half i work Saturdays but am not paid that time and it’s treated as a normal day… Thanks
What is the new hourly and monthly rate for contract cleaners from 1 December 2018
Hi Sibongile, the Contract Cleaning Sector wages did not increase in December 2018, however there is a new increase from the 1st of February 2019. http://www.hrcity.co.za/2019/01/24/contract-cleaning-sector-minimum-wages-2019/#more-656
Cool! Thanks for the article!