Staffing Solutions

What is our Edge on the Competition?

We are one of the very few T.E.S. (Temporary Employment Services) or labour hire companies which specializes in Human Resources and have the expertise to deal with all types of labour issues. This is particularly important if you plan to outsource your labour, not only to escape legal liabilities, but also not to be bothered by labour issues and to concentrate on your main line of business.

This is why HR City has the advantage:

  • HR City is a network of interlinked companies, all supporting each other ie. IR/HR, Recruitment & Placement Services, Payroll Administration, Training, Venue Hire,  Events co-ordination and Catering.
  • All these interlinked companies are well established, with a good infrastructure and expertise to render a quality service, not only to clients but also in support of each other.
  • We provide a tailor-made Staffing Solution to suit your business – new or takeovers.
  • We provide you with a detailed transparent invoice to allow easy auditing. We offer a full in-house HR service ie. pay queries, discipline, grievances, wage negotiations, leave etc. through on-site visits.
  • We do not have to contract experts to do disciplinary hearings and, represent us at the CCMA or Bargaining Councils.
  • We have highly trained and specialized staff who not only take care of the payroll administration, but also all the financial and legal requirements. The same applies to training and placements, we do it OURSELVES – PROFESSIONALLY!
  • If you currently are considering outsourcing your labour, can your service provider guarantee you peace of mind and professionally take care of all the above?
  • If not – reconsider! Why did you outsource in the first place?
  • Our Staffing Solutions division is proud of their track record and we have clients from various sectors and industries.
  • We service our clients on a national basis – no matter where!
  • We are proud to say that we conduct our business with the highest standards, ethics and integrity and that the well-being of our clients is our future!

Why should you consider outsourcing your Labour?

Employment-related issues often require substantial managerial time. However, in smaller to medium sized firms, a managers time is a limited resource that must be used wisely. Labour Hire companies free up key managers so that they can focus on more revenue-producing activities, rather than employment-related rules, regulations and paperwork. To spend up to one quarter of one’s time on employment related issues is indeed a waste of precious, expensive, scarce resources.
The increase in legal requirements is a pivotal reason why small to medium sized companies decided to outsource their labour and HR functions.
Labour Hire is used successfully by companies which do not have the expertise to deal with unions, strikes, unfair dismissal cases, annual wage negotiations or discipline in the workplace and have reduced their Human Resource costs and risks whilst improving employee relations and production in general. Our clients have gained a competitive advantage by now being able to focus on their core business.

Our Advantage

  • Administration of Bargaining Council fees are done by us
  • Use our services during peak production periods and release us when not required
  • Transfer of Employment Risk, reducing your legal exposure
  • Increased focus on core Operations
  • No Recruitment costs
  • No Payroll Personnel costs
  • No HR Costs
  • Obtain the right Skills for the Job
  • No pay queries/Union meetings
  • Monthly transparent Invoicing


Studies have showed that in 2000 only 2% of South African companies made use of a-typical employment, today that number has grown to over 20%. Some of the key facts determined in studies are:
  • 89% of Companies that outsource state that outsourcing allows them to focus on their core business
  • 84% state that outsourcing reduces overheads
  • 84% indicated that it allows them to bring in specific expertise
  • 82% said that it aids in planning
  • 75% stated that it delivered on promises
  • 63% cited effective reduction of legal exposure as a reason

Golden Rules of Outsourcing

  • If You can do it Better, don’t Outsource
  • Cheaper is not always Better
  • If it is a core function, don’t Outsource
  • Know your Broker

Are you Concerned About

  • Reduced Management prerogative and control through Labour Legislation?
  • Increasingly Complex Labour Legislation?
  • Fixed Staff Costs and Reduced Productivity?
  • Increased Payroll costs and Tax Complexities?
  • Increased Costs and Time associated with Training?
  • Your Management Team being bogged down in Disciplinary Matters and other issues not concerning your Core Business?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then your answer is: