Tag: <span>labour relations act</span>

Minimum-Wage News

The Minimum Wage Bill and Amendments to Labour Legislation,…

Following recent news that the National Assembly has passed the long awaited Minimum Wage Bill as well as the proposed amendments to the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, it is important to take note of what these amendments actually mean to you, the Employer:

While it was widely announced that these amendments would come into effect on the 1st of May 2018 after they were initially published for public comment in late 2017, there have been major debates surrounding the specifics of these changes which necessitated a delay. Read more “The Minimum Wage Bill and Amendments to Labour Legislation, What you should Know?”

Court News

HR City opposes Labour Legislation Law Amendments

Again HR City has elected to voice our concern over proposed amendments to labour legislation, including the implementation of the proposed Minimum Wage Bill (Read our Article Here).

Similarly to our actions in 2012 when HR City sought to intervene in what it viewed as dangerous and unfair changes to labour legislation (Read our Article Here) government has again sought to further restrict the rights of employers, even during an economic downturn which, in no small part is due to excessive over-regulation of the labour market.  Read more “HR City opposes Labour Legislation Law Amendments”

WhoIsEmployee Article

When is an Independent Contractor actually an Employee?

Given the tough economic climate and the relatively high cost of employment, workforce flexibility becomes one of the most important considerations for any business. This is actively hampered by restrictive legislation which regulates Fixed-term and Temporary Employment and effectively makes it impossible for an employer to structure its’ business to make use of this form of employment.

An emerging trend has been the use of independent contractors, however this is not as simple as it seems. Section 200A of the Labour Relations Act (Act 66 of 1995), Assumption as to who is an Employee, sought to answer this question to a certain extent, and when read along with the Code of Good Practice, seems to favor a combination of tests, including the Read more “When is an Independent Contractor actually an Employee?”

ZAParliament News

HR City Challenges Labour Law Amendments

HR City attended the parliament portfolio committee on labour relations to debate and argue against the proposed changes to existing labour legislation as well as the introduction of new laws which would make it even harder for employers in South Africa to conduct business.

A lot of these changes will negatively impact on business in South Africa and will severely restrict the ability of smaller businesses to grow while significantly increasing unemployment and contributing to poverty. Read more “HR City Challenges Labour Law Amendments”